Hi,I just want to let all you fantastic safari goers know of an exiting opportunity to boost your own website or blog.So that's why,I want to quickly write about "Writeabout.Us".
How it works?
The front page contains a total of 160 links. 100 of them are paid links, 60 of them are free links. Paid links are arranged highest bid to lowest bid, free links are sorted latest first. The 101th paid link and 61th free link will fall off the front page. How long will your link be on the front page? It all depends on how fast we receive the submission.
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Step 1:Write about us on your site or blog or any online appearance. It must be an article, story, blog post, or any content that mentions about us. A link to us is not necessary, however, we appreciate if you link to us.
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Here is the url to their site:
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Write About.Us
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What or Who is Island Safari?
12:58 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Arrival of Jack and San camp's new baby meerkats!!
On the 6th of August, one of the smaller females in the group of lcoal meerkats gave birth to a litter of 5 pups.3 weeks later,the dignified mother showed them to the world for the first time.
Under the steady looks of hungry crows, the mother moved her litter, one-by-one from haunt to haunt.To get her to drop her litter, the birds continually circled the mother,
who jumped up and tried attacking the birds, driving them away long enough for
her,to get her litter safely in the new shelter.After a tough first few days, the
pups have adjusted and are growing at a fast pace,gratifying everyone
who sees them.Like all children wanting to be adults, they imitate
their parents in balancing on their tails and hind legs and they just,seem to end up on their bottoms!
The chief babysitter, seeming to be one of the sub adult males,carefully escorts the pups around ensuring that they have lots of juicy delights and their favorite food, scorpions, are delivered sting-free!Their appetites are big,even the adults hides food from the pups so they can feed later in the day.This causes the pups to beg for food from everyone including:meerkats,guides and guests alike!
Climate: Average minimum temperature: 10°C
Average maximum temperature: 39°C.
Don't forget to visit our Kalahari desert website for great info on tours, camp accommodation and other destination info on the Kalahari desert as well as specially designed itineraries and discounts, at the following address:http://www.kalahari-desert.com/
To book a Kalahari Desert holiday or vacation or a safari to any other destination please email our consultants at:info@island-safari.com
Also don't forget to visit the main Island Safari at the following address:http://www.island-safari.com
Thank You
The Island Safari Team
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What or Who is Island Safari?
6:24 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Kana Camp Defined
Kanana Camp is situated in one of the prettiest areas of the Okavango Delta, surrounded by a vast network of islands and waterways which provide a haven for wildlife and in particular birdlife.One of the special attractions within the Kanana Concession is the heronry situated at the Lediba di Dinonyane to the north west of the camp, accessed by motorboat. The trip to the heronry is an experience in itself, cruising over crystal clear shallow waters above a myriad of sand and silt patterns, gracefully winding your way through the narrow papyrus lined channels. The waterways open up to a wide lagoon, home to many tree islands formed by water figs and water berries that support one of the largest breeding heronries in Botswana (and possibly Southern Africa).
According to a report by Birdlife Botswana in 2005 there were ten different water bird species breeding at the heronry, with African Openbills dominating (about 600 nests of the species were counted in 2005, and certainly over 1000 pairs breeding). Amongst others you will find marabou storks, cattle egrets, yellow billed storks, grey herons, slaty egrets, and this is the only place in the Delta where pink-backed pelicans currently breed, and one of only three sites in Botswana. Seasons do vary but generally the birds begin nesting late August and the young generally hatch in October,however the heronry may be active until as late as March. Witnessing the busy bustle of the nest building and the social interaction between the varied species is one of the most amazing experiences you will enjoy in the Okavango Delta, guaranteed to convert anyone to an avid twitcher!
Don't forget to visit our botswana website for great info on tours,safaris,camps accommodation and other destination info on Botswana as well as specially designed itineraries and discounts, at the following address:http://www.okavango-delta-safaris.com
To book a Botswana Safari or a safari to any other destination please email our consultants at:info@island-safari.com
Also don't forget to visit the main Island Safari at the following address:http://www.island-safari.com
Thank You
The Island Safari Team
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What or Who is Island Safari?
6:53 AM
October News Update!!
I thought that I would give all you travellers out there a October news update.
So here goes and enjoy!!!
With the dry season now at its peak, game viewing is also at the season's best. This has been exceptionally enhanced by the plentitude of localised fresh water experienced this year.
Predator viewing has been focused on lions this month. Now that the new males seem well settled & established,mating has featured strongly in various sightings.Over the next 3-4 months a fresh batch of cubs are expected and will hopefully survive.
Two sad lion deaths occured during the month. The first was the
killing of a cub by a wandering male - right at Zibalianja Camp.
The second was death from old age of one of the Selinda lionesses. Despite this, a number of lactating lionesses indicates that the cycle of birth & death continues amongst our lions.
It is confirmed - the star leopard, Amber, is indeed a proud mum! Originally seen with 2 cubs, it seems that she has lost one. The survivor though is doing exceptionally well & we have been fortunate to see them together on numerous occasions - once with dad in presence on an impala kill.
Possibly one of the best leopard sightings of the month was the chance to follow a male leopard (Amber's mate) for some time as he drifted down the road. His somewhat easygoing nature suddenly changed as he spotted something.The next thing he ambushed & killed an African Wild Cat. All this in broad daylight!
After a prolonged leave of absence, the "2 Boys" are back! These two remarkable cheetahs are once again drinking from Zib's waterhole & resting up at their old habitat. As the floodplains become increasingly crowded with antelope,plenty of action are expected from this dynamic duo.
"Rare" animal sightings are becoming increasingly common!A Pangolin was again sighted near the site of Old Selinda, & Aardvarks are frequently encountered now on the night drives. The need for water has also seen the arrival of Roan & Sable,2 of Africa's larger & less common, antelope.
Because of Selinda Camp's transformation,it will be closing from Jan 11th to March 1st 2007. During this time remodelling will be done to the main area. Zibalianja Camp will remain open to welcome your clients.
Don't forget to visit our botswana website for great info on tours,safaris,camps accommodation and other destination info on Botswana as well as specially designed itineraries and discounts, at the following address:http://www.okavango-delta-safaris.com
To book a Botswana Safari or a safari to any other destination please email our consultants at:info@island-safari.com
Also don't forget to visit the main Island Safari at the following address:http://www.island-safari.comThank You
The Island Safari Team
Posted by
What or Who is Island Safari?
6:16 AM