You can read up on the new article posted on Island Safari at the following url:
The Island Safari Team
Monday, November 27, 2006
Article on Island Safari
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What or Who is Island Safari?
12:57 AM
Thursday, November 16, 2006
News update on recent developments in the elephant back safari industry,from Wild Horizons.
Hi All,
I want to write an update on the developments in the elephant back safaris industry, from Wild Horizons.
Because of recent negative press, surrounding the Domesticated Elephant
Industry in Zimbabwe and South Africa, and the number of questions they received regarding this case, the managers and owners of Wild Horizons, felt that it was neccessary to comment on thier curent position in the elephant back safaris industry.
Wild Horizons, seen as the lead in Elephant Back Safari's, has a mission statement, which describes their policies and principles of honour within the industry.Many elephants of the Wild Horizons herd came to Wild Horizons as a result of tone down exercises carried out in the 1980's, by the Zimbabwe National Parks Department. The leftover elephants were sold to zoo's and circuses around the world, but these remaining few stayed on African soil. AT first they were not moved and lived on farms.This lifestyle was soon ended as, Wild Horizons,to improve the way these elephants were living, turned into a magnificent safari experience.
They couldn't be released into the wild as they were raised by humans and the wild would be a thread to their existence.Wild Horizons mission statement, states that the elephants' lifestyle must be as habitual as possible, whilst offering guests a unique opportunity of interacting with and learning from these elephants. They believe that they have created an environment as habitual as they can and the fact that they've had four calves born to thier females, fathered by wild elephants, prove all of this.
The profitable aspect of Elephant Back Safaris has generated a long debate on the principles surrounding the industry, but the poeple at Wild Horizons have a clear way of doing things and thier standards of training and the breeding and caring of the elephants, which protects the elephants in thier charge. Their policies describing the aquiring of elephants for their operations, are clearly laid out in the working code of their mission statement, are public and open to any inquiry, and definitely exclude the capturing of elephants from herds in the wild.
It has been thier policy to work together with Zimbabwe's Wildlife Authority in assisting with genuine orphans and injured elephants and their track record for doing this, is clearly documented.
It is daunting that an industry which has the opportunity to exel so much in terms of educating the public, at the same time providing safe refuge to suffering elephants from pain or carelessness, has been brought into such dishonour.
I hope you all have clarity now on this issue.
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What or Who is Island Safari?
4:15 AM
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Write About.Us
Hi,I just want to let all you fantastic safari goers know of an exiting opportunity to boost your own website or blog.So that's why,I want to quickly write about "Writeabout.Us".
How it works?
The front page contains a total of 160 links. 100 of them are paid links, 60 of them are free links. Paid links are arranged highest bid to lowest bid, free links are sorted latest first. The 101th paid link and 61th free link will fall off the front page. How long will your link be on the front page? It all depends on how fast we receive the submission.
How to get your link for free?
Step 1:Write about us on your site or blog or any online appearance. It must be an article, story, blog post, or any content that mentions about us. A link to us is not necessary, however, we appreciate if you link to us.
Step 2:Submit the URL to the page you have written about us along with your link URL and anchor text.Use this Submission Form.
Step 3:Please wait while we review your submission. We will not accept site with obscene, violence, adult or any inappropriate material and excessive pop-up/under.
Why list your link?
Reason 1:Traffic. Write About Us is enjoying increasing traffic everyday. Visitors may see your link and follow it to your site. Make sure you give us an attractive anchor text while filling the submission form.
Reason 2:In-pointing link. All links from Write About Us is fully crawlable by major search engines. We review each submission manually, so quality of out-pointing link is not an issue. Every pages in WriteAbout.Us is maintained to be only 2 clicks away to ease spider's work.
Reason 3:Expedite Google Index. It is rumored that a link from PR5 site will get your site indexed within 72 hours while a link from PR6 site will get your site indexed within 48 hours. Getting high PR link can be expensive. You can get it free with Write About Us. While we cannot gaurantee speedy spider visit by Google, it does make your site more available for spiders to follow.
Reason 4:We have a human edited Directory much like open directory project, which is still under construction. Whether we know you through paid or free link, both enjoy equal chance to get listed into the directory. Of course, we select only good sites.
Here is the url to their site:
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What or Who is Island Safari?
12:58 AM
Monday, October 09, 2006
Arrival of Jack and San camp's new baby meerkats!!
On the 6th of August, one of the smaller females in the group of lcoal meerkats gave birth to a litter of 5 pups.3 weeks later,the dignified mother showed them to the world for the first time.
Under the steady looks of hungry crows, the mother moved her litter, one-by-one from haunt to haunt.To get her to drop her litter, the birds continually circled the mother,
who jumped up and tried attacking the birds, driving them away long enough for
her,to get her litter safely in the new shelter.After a tough first few days, the
pups have adjusted and are growing at a fast pace,gratifying everyone
who sees them.Like all children wanting to be adults, they imitate
their parents in balancing on their tails and hind legs and they just,seem to end up on their bottoms!
The chief babysitter, seeming to be one of the sub adult males,carefully escorts the pups around ensuring that they have lots of juicy delights and their favorite food, scorpions, are delivered sting-free!Their appetites are big,even the adults hides food from the pups so they can feed later in the day.This causes the pups to beg for food from everyone including:meerkats,guides and guests alike!
Climate: Average minimum temperature: 10°C
Average maximum temperature: 39°C.
Don't forget to visit our Kalahari desert website for great info on tours, camp accommodation and other destination info on the Kalahari desert as well as specially designed itineraries and discounts, at the following address:
To book a Kalahari Desert holiday or vacation or a safari to any other destination please email our consultants
Also don't forget to visit the main Island Safari at the following address:
Thank You
The Island Safari Team
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What or Who is Island Safari?
6:24 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Kana Camp Defined
Kanana Camp is situated in one of the prettiest areas of the Okavango Delta, surrounded by a vast network of islands and waterways which provide a haven for wildlife and in particular birdlife.One of the special attractions within the Kanana Concession is the heronry situated at the Lediba di Dinonyane to the north west of the camp, accessed by motorboat. The trip to the heronry is an experience in itself, cruising over crystal clear shallow waters above a myriad of sand and silt patterns, gracefully winding your way through the narrow papyrus lined channels. The waterways open up to a wide lagoon, home to many tree islands formed by water figs and water berries that support one of the largest breeding heronries in Botswana (and possibly Southern Africa).
According to a report by Birdlife Botswana in 2005 there were ten different water bird species breeding at the heronry, with African Openbills dominating (about 600 nests of the species were counted in 2005, and certainly over 1000 pairs breeding). Amongst others you will find marabou storks, cattle egrets, yellow billed storks, grey herons, slaty egrets, and this is the only place in the Delta where pink-backed pelicans currently breed, and one of only three sites in Botswana. Seasons do vary but generally the birds begin nesting late August and the young generally hatch in October,however the heronry may be active until as late as March. Witnessing the busy bustle of the nest building and the social interaction between the varied species is one of the most amazing experiences you will enjoy in the Okavango Delta, guaranteed to convert anyone to an avid twitcher!
Don't forget to visit our botswana website for great info on tours,safaris,camps accommodation and other destination info on Botswana as well as specially designed itineraries and discounts, at the following address:
To book a Botswana Safari or a safari to any other destination please email our consultants
Also don't forget to visit the main Island Safari at the following address:
Thank You
The Island Safari Team
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What or Who is Island Safari?
6:53 AM
October News Update!!
I thought that I would give all you travellers out there a October news update.
So here goes and enjoy!!!
With the dry season now at its peak, game viewing is also at the season's best. This has been exceptionally enhanced by the plentitude of localised fresh water experienced this year.
Predator viewing has been focused on lions this month. Now that the new males seem well settled & established,mating has featured strongly in various sightings.Over the next 3-4 months a fresh batch of cubs are expected and will hopefully survive.
Two sad lion deaths occured during the month. The first was the
killing of a cub by a wandering male - right at Zibalianja Camp.
The second was death from old age of one of the Selinda lionesses. Despite this, a number of lactating lionesses indicates that the cycle of birth & death continues amongst our lions.
It is confirmed - the star leopard, Amber, is indeed a proud mum! Originally seen with 2 cubs, it seems that she has lost one. The survivor though is doing exceptionally well & we have been fortunate to see them together on numerous occasions - once with dad in presence on an impala kill.
Possibly one of the best leopard sightings of the month was the chance to follow a male leopard (Amber's mate) for some time as he drifted down the road. His somewhat easygoing nature suddenly changed as he spotted something.The next thing he ambushed & killed an African Wild Cat. All this in broad daylight!
After a prolonged leave of absence, the "2 Boys" are back! These two remarkable cheetahs are once again drinking from Zib's waterhole & resting up at their old habitat. As the floodplains become increasingly crowded with antelope,plenty of action are expected from this dynamic duo.
"Rare" animal sightings are becoming increasingly common!A Pangolin was again sighted near the site of Old Selinda, & Aardvarks are frequently encountered now on the night drives. The need for water has also seen the arrival of Roan & Sable,2 of Africa's larger & less common, antelope.
Because of Selinda Camp's transformation,it will be closing from Jan 11th to March 1st 2007. During this time remodelling will be done to the main area. Zibalianja Camp will remain open to welcome your clients.
Don't forget to visit our botswana website for great info on tours,safaris,camps accommodation and other destination info on Botswana as well as specially designed itineraries and discounts, at the following address:
To book a Botswana Safari or a safari to any other destination please email our consultants
Also don't forget to visit the main Island Safari at the following address:http://www.island-safari.comThank You
The Island Safari Team
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What or Who is Island Safari?
6:16 AM
Friday, September 22, 2006
Ibo Island Lodge building and development progress update!!
Ibo Island lodge's development starts gorgeously each morning around 5am when the sun rises and a colony of masked weavers commencing their exited nest building accompanied by a chorus of cheeping and chirping. This is the time that we enjoy a strong cup of Ibo coffee (ancient Arab plantations still produce the unique Ibo crop which is fire roasted and hand ground) setting us up for the day ahead....
The highly anticipated opening of Ibo Island Lodge - the hottest new addition to the luxury Lodges of the Quirimbas Archipelago, is drawing closer and the immenent pressure is on.The development plan aims to bring all departments to completion at the same time: Construction, carpentry, upholstery, hospitality, English language training, activity and guide training, menu development, landscaping and a range of community projects to name but a few. Ibo Island lodge consisting of three magnificent mansions, each over a century old, and walls a meter thick.Fallen into ruin - almost forgotten, and utterly acute the island contains boundless secrets, history, culture and a marine world totally unexplored. It is the first grand scale rehabilitation on the island and we are glad to report its going well.
The project has a strong community mentorship and social up-liftment component. Many of the local people, who are working during the construction phase, will be part of the lodge team from opening onwards.A women who carted stone and sand on their heads, complete with babies wrapped on backs, displaying extraordinary strength, humor and balance, are now learning how to tend to rocket, green peppers, basil, carrots, ginger and garlic in the lodge's garden project.Those finishing off grand 4 -poster beds in the carpentry department are in training to become barmen, waiters and housekeepers. Guided walking safaris into the National Park, historical and cultural tours, kayak routes and mangrove excursions are all being developed.Much to the delight of the whole team here on Ibo, the menu and kitchen training commenced at the beginning of August.It is quite inspiring after just a couple of weeks, to hear the kitchen team discussing the compensation of each other's Creme Brule.Most of these people are born and bred Ibo folk who had never been inside a kitchen before. Remarkable! Our fourteen-meter solid teak traditional dhow, which has been built during the last three years on Ibo, was finally launched using only manpower and ropes alone.According to the community elders on Ibo, it is by far the largest dhow during the last fifty years to be hand crafted on Ibo. Dhow sailing safaris, scuba diving, island hopping and sunset cruises are all being developed aboard this beautiful boat for early 2007.Living and working on Ibo Island during these exciting times is quite extraordinary. One of the Quirimbas National Parks newest protected zones is directly in-front of the lodge and is already encouraging a centralization of life.Large flocks of sacred ibises, yellow bill storks and many more species of birds are now daily occurrences, and at night its common to hear pods of dolphins hunting for fish - their tails producing a distinctive cracking sound as it recoils off the old Ibo harbor wall.All visitors are intrigued by the development of Ibo Island Lodge, not to mention the island's beauty, calmness, history, and very special surroundings.We look forward greatly to unveiling Ibo Island Lodge as the latest luxury product in the Quirimbas Archipelago.
Ibo Island Lodge will be exhibiting on the Mozambique stand at the forthcoming World Travel Market,due for completion in December 2006.
Don't forget to visit our Quirimbas Archipelago website for great info on tours,lodges accommodation and other destination info on the Quirimbas Archipelago as well as specially designed itineraries and discounts, at the following address:
To book a Quirimbas Archipelago holiday,vacation or any other safari to another destination please email our consultants
Also don't forget to visit the main Island Safari at the following address:
Thank You
The Island Safari Team
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What or Who is Island Safari?
2:48 AM
Friday, September 15, 2006
Moremi Game Reserve special Green Season rates!!!
If you can travel between November 1st 2006 and 31st March 2007 we can offer you special Green Season rates which are up to 60% off normal prices
click here for more information
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What or Who is Island Safari?
12:26 AM
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
Island Safaris customer testimonials
Today I thought,I should write some customer testimonials which I will hope,give some aspiring safari goers,better clarity why they should use Island Safari as their tour operator.
So,I hope you will read through this,and if you decide to use Island Safari,email us at:
On with the testimonials!
Testimonial 1:
We enjoyed our trip to Victoria Falls , were picked up at the airport andeverything went smoothly. Trips organised by Island went also smoothly. The only issue was the dinner at Boma that the driver who picked us up insisted that he would pick us up at 9-00pm which was far too early , would have preferred to picked up at 9-45pm.Other than that very happy with service.Trust the following will assist.
Kind regards
Testimonial 2:
Alison, we came back home after truly wonderful time. We all loved Benguerra - being so closed to the beach and feel almost like we were the only ones there. The places in Botswana were all fantastic. Each a little different then the other. I think it was great that we had at least one tented camp experience. If we were to go there again this is the kind of accommodation we liked most. Of course we have seen most animals in Chobe and Mujenche Lodge was a great place to stay. The atmosphere there was very special and they have really good guides. After that going to Livingston felt to cosmopolitan, but the hotels location is the best there and we made good use of it going to the Falls every day. After going to Zimbabwe side for elephant safari I was glad we did not have to stay there. Thanks for arranging everything so well. We already started talking about getting back to Africa next year. I shall get back to you about it, but I think it could be Namibia. Thanks again – Gosia and the rest of very happy Pilch Family
Testimonial 3:
We had an excellent support during the booking process , my Island safari’s contact Mrs Claudia was really king and available in order to find the best suitable tour for us.We had good support at JNB Airport ,your rep explained also direction by car towards our destination in Kwazulu natal region.Our stay at Shayamoya was short , infact the driving time from Johannesburg to Pongola (after more then 10 hours of plane ) was too long ( 5/6 hours of car) .Shayamoya lodge is nice but only for 1 or two nights.Our stay at Kosi forest was really pleasant , king managers , good food (the best we had in the whole tour) exiting activities especially “canoe with the guides” ( it rained only one day and we didn’t know what to do because of the wet weather and no heating in the tend , the little negative point ).Our stay al Thonga beach has been an amazing experience , lodges are very very beautiful , well integrated in the landscape , white beaches , interesting activities , we enjoyed a lot sunset at Lake Sibyia. The food was good but we would suggest a more simple cousin – less dressing – more grilled food meat and fish – hoping to return at thonga !!!.Our stay at Isibindi Zulu lodge surprised my husband and me …. We really enjoyed this new experience , the lodge is nice , excellent food , a good note to the manager . He was really kind and explained us tradional zulu life , we visited with him a real zulu village.We also enjoyed driving from thonga to zulu lodge discovering different landscape along the way , probably the only negative note was the 7 hours drive to reach Isibindi zulu lodge.About Botswana probably 4 days weren’t enough to discover more deeply beautiful parks .We think that Safari lodges in Botswana are really expensive comparing the rates with quality of lodges and quality of food.Activities are well organized but for example at Savute lodge we didn’t see a lot of wild animals ( no zebra , no giraffe no buffalo ect) because of the dry period all animals where up to chobe park near the river.Considering that in 4 days we spent 5000 euro in Botswana , this high amount doesn’t balance the quality of the trip , even if we had a good time for sure.We also felt different approach toward lodge’s manager , Xugana lodge was very comfortable, nice and kind people very friendly.At Savute we didn’t have a good feedback , also the food was not so special related to the daily rate.I Keep South Africa as my favourite Country.I apologize for my engling.CIAO from Italy.
So folks,there you have it.Hope,choosing Island Safari as your tour operator,are much clearer now.
Just a few quick reminders:
Please do visit our site at:
Email us for any queries or questions at:
Please bear in mind that all the destinations mentioned in this post,are all covered by Island Safari,following is a list of websites covering all the destinations,mentioned in this post,all owened by Island Safari.
Enjoy the rest of your day!
The Island Safari Team
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What or Who is Island Safari?
1:27 AM
Friday, September 01, 2006
News update from Island
Hi All,
As Botswana is one of Island Safari's biggest destinations,we thought it would be great to give all you safari goers out there a news update from some of the camps in Botswana.
So Here goes.Enjoy.
Kanana – After a July cold spell(from the cold front in South Africa) sending wildlife shivering under the bushes,the sun returned bringing the lions and other defiant species back ! On their return journey are our feathered friends returning from Europe starting their summer breeding at Kanana’s private heronry.Pink backed pelicans are plentitude and various nests
are being built.
Shinde Camp - After a long week with everyone in a depression thinking that the new cubs at Shinde Camp had died, having been killed by an outlaw lion in the area– have re-appeared
from hiding much to everybody's relief and are now seen regularly and are growing day by day.
Young Explorer’s Delta at Footsteps Camp – With the July and August school summer holidays,the Young Explorers program has been very busy with children from across the world.Highlights on safari has been: making traditional bow and arrow sets, “target shooting” with air rifles, football matches instead of the ‘usual’ guided walks and game drives and the kids roasting some nice marshmallows.
Okuti - With life being boring at Okuti (not) with daily sightings of leopards and lions.With evening game drives,three different leopards have been seen as well
as local Xakanaxa Camp pride feasting on hippo.
Edo’s Camp – The highly fertile rhino bull has been at it again (without anyone noticing) making Edo’s one of the most successful white rhino breeding areas in Botswana. The total number of rhino's at Edo’s now comes to seven and as they stay close to the water pan, they are easily spotted and observed by guests.
Don't forget to visit our botswana website for great info on tours , safaris , camps accommodation and other destination information on Botswana as well as specially designed itineraries and discounts, at the following address:
To book a Botswana Safari or a safari to any other destination please email our consultants at:
Also don't forget to visit the main Island Safari at the following address:
Thank You
The Island Safari Team
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What or Who is Island Safari?
2:36 AM
Friday, August 11, 2006
Island Safari August News!
* The Selinda pack of wild dog has been very active this last month. They are back to using the CMU camp as their catch net for impala. One poor individual was chased into, & smashed, the office window before becoming breakfast. They also cornered the old wildebeest bull, who is practically a camp resident, in the car park. He was too wise for their tactics though & saw them off.
* The poor francolins at Zibalianja are at their wits end with a dwarf mongoose clan that has taken up residence in their camp. These little guys are prolific nest raiders & as fast as the hens lay, so the mongooses steal the eggs.
* The return of the buffalo herds has been particularly welcomed by the Selinda lions. They have been seen following the herds hoping for a straggler or a weak individual to be exposed. Beef is back on the menu, but you have to catch it first!
* We welcome a new couple to Zbalianja Camp! Stuart Bell & Tessa Campbell will be taking over from Sam & Sean who move over to our CMU camp. Stuart & Tessa join us from Islands Of Siankaba in Zambia where they have been for the last two years.
* Selinda also has an addition to the management team taking it to full strength. Zane Volker, who is no stranger to The Selinda, joins us on a permanent basis. We wish him a hearty official welcome to the Linex family.
* Once again lions have dominated the predator viewing over the month. The cubs are doing well; the males are sticking around (roaring in & around the camps frequently), & the lionesses are providing hunting action.
* The Trails team seems to be getting all the leopard action.Chris & his following band were stalking some distressed francolins in a bush, hoping to see a snake or genet, when they flushed a large male leopard. It is unsure who got the bigger fright.
* Morning coffee at Mokoba Camp was all action when a leopard cornered a troop of baboons in the tree above one of the tents. Eventually, the baboons decided to exit their retreat, en masse, in a shower of leaves, twigs & copious amounts of poo!
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12:14 AM
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Welcome to the new Island Safari blog!
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What or Who is Island Safari?
4:31 AM